NOVEMBER CHALLENGE: 30 Days of Sea Legs!


Download the challenge as PDF, print it and hang for everyone to see and join!


Are you ready to get legs strong enough to withstand the power of the sea?

We are back with another challenge!

We start this November with workouts for your lower body. It’s a 30-day-challenge with rest days in between, and with this challenge we bet that November will be the month of sore (and strong) legs!
Join the challenge with a colleague or two (perhaps everyone on board!) for more fun and motivation.

Physical activity is proven to have a very positive influence on your mood and state of mind and we therefore recommend that you prioritize physical active - especially with dark winter months coming up (in the Northern hemisphere at least)!

Follow along and share your progress

On Instagram and Facebook you can follow Misha og Pernille from SEA HEALTH & WELFARE when they try the 30-day-challenge on their own bodies.
In the highlight “November Challenge” on our Instagram profile, you can find videos with all the exercises explained and the scaling option, if needed.

Tag #Fit4SEA and #SHWSocial in your challenge-posts to keep us updated on the progress in getting strong (and sore) legs!