The safety of the sailors has to be put back in focus


‘Day of the Seafarer’ is coming up soon. That day where we show seafarers our support and gratitude by shouting out loud that ‘Seafarers are Keyworkers'!
But this year, we thought we’d change the concept a little bit and instead call it ‘Week of the Seafarer’. Simply because we believe that seafarers deserve more than just a day to be acknowledged for their extraordinary and enormous effort and sacrifices during the corona pandemic. So, from Friday 19th of June and all the way to Thursday, June 25 on the real Day of the Seafarer, we are dedicating our platforms to pay tribute to seafarers who are experiencing extra-long voyages and are missing home and loved ones. And to all other seafarers who are simply awesome because they make the world move every day.

This is the voice of Third Mate at Maersk, Camilla Westergaard:


“When you mention the word sailor people often think of the ones we see in movies. These characters are all different, but what they often have in common is their courage. Even though no one in the merchant fleet today can be said to be Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Haddock or Captain Jack Aubrey this difficult time have proven that today’s sailors are made of something special, possess a strong mind and courage!

There is a reason they are now called the unsung heroes, the warriors or the soldiers at the front line. While the world is burning and the COVID-19 crisis continues raging, the sailors are fighting a silent battle at sea. Not only a battle against COVID-19. It is a battle against time, isolation, frustration, depression and the fact that uncertainty is today the sailor’s daily companion.

But time is running out and the safety of the sailors has to be put back in focus. The world has to recognize them as keyworkers and let them travel to and from their ships. Applause them for their continued work in order to keep the rest of the World going. Award their sacrifices!”

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