Denmark’s National Week of Exercise

Week 41 is Denmark's National Week of Exercise. This week, many actors and organizations in Denmark are joining forces to focus on exercise, movement and training. At SEA HEALTH & WELFARE, we know that physical activity can positively affect both the working environment and well-being on board. But physical activity also brings many other physical and mental benefits to the individual seafarer. A good, healthy, and long life at sea, therefore, involves physical activity.

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Vinderne af Fit4SEA 2020

Fit4SEA 2020 er i bøgerne og det er på tide at hylde alle jer 1544 søfarende, der har deltaget i dette års sportskonkurrence. Tillykke med jeres resultater: de tilbagelagte kilometer og timer I har knoklet i 2020. Det er sejt og godt gået! Der skal også lyde et stort tillykke til vinderne af den individuelle konkurrence, skibskonkurrencen og de heldige i lodtrækningen.

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March fitness challenge

This time the challenge consists of bodyweight exercises that everybody can do with minimal space. In the challenge, you will find both cardio- and strength-based workouts. You will also find that there's a bit of teamwork, too

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2021 is the year of Fitness

For all you seafarers we have got some big news

Because we know that physical activity is important for both the physical but also mental health, we want to give you the best possible start in the new year. Therefore, we present to you:

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Do you know the feeling of telling yourself “I really need to start exercising!” but also failing to do so? Often it is because these sayings don’t specify the change you want to start/make, and therefore, it is difficult to know where to start, how to begin and with what. Here, we offer you seven specific tips to help you get started with training. The tips can work with any other type of habit that you want to change and do something about.

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