"A Chief Cook can be the love of everyone on board"
A Chief Cook can be the love of everyone on board seeing that we can satisfy almost everyone through cooking and baking. We always think of everyone’s health, their needs and wants their likes and dislikes. We must be fair to anyone, whenever and wherever. This kind of perception helps me make my life onboard free of worries and time fly fast.
Some people say that we Chief Cooks are the most important person on board. Due to our leadership and responsibility, we can make every crew member work freely and smoothly. With the food that we serve and our dedication, the crew is encouraged to do their job nicely and well with good relations to the others all the while staying safe and sound every day.
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"When will we go home?"
The one, nagging question, more relevant than just about anything else right now among my dear crew on Maersk Stepnica.
When will we go home?
Seafarers already had to endure a lot while keeping up the vital supply chains of the World. Safe, but stuck and fighting through these anxious times of uncertainty. Day by day.
In fact, valid all across the maritime industry, the suspension of crew change has still proven valid for many nations. That is probably the worst part of our life on board right now. Not knowing what the future will hold. The apparent concerns for our loved ones back home. We just want to be with them now.
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We should not give up and allow the problem to defeat us
As a team we have always been doing it and continue to do so no matter whatever is trying to stop us. Let’s keep up the spirit as always and also motivate our friends onboard in maintaining good mental health. Getting social with others onboard will help getting through this, whether you are watching a movie together or playing a game of Bingo, it will surely make everyday life onboard easier, funnier and maybe even more stress free.
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From the early beginning, my priority was my crew
The last few months were challenging for all of us. As I signed on just two days before the lockdown, it was a bit crazy. So, for the first few days, we were adapting to a new situation. We had to do it quickly to do it safely. From the early beginning, my priority was my crew.
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What we do in our present defines how the future is going to be
What we do in our present defines how the future is going to be. In these tough times, to see a smile on the crews’ face says it all. It has a deeper meaning. For me, it means that we have succeeded with Constant Care.
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The safety of the sailors has to be put back in focus
When you mention the word #sailor people often think of the ones we see in movies. These characters are all different, but what they often have in common is their courage. Even though no one in the merchant fleet today can be said to be Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Haddock or Captain Jack Aubrey this difficult time have proven that today’s sailors are made of something special, possess a strong mind and a courage!
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Godt arbejdsmiljø forstærkes oppefra
Godt arbejdsmiljø består af en lang række parametre, der til sammen kan skabe en følelse af arbejdsglæde, sammenhold og ansvarsfølelse.
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På DAN SABIA bruger vi rigtig mange kræfter på adspredelse
“På DAN SABIA bruger vi rigtig mange kræfter på adspredelse (distraktion) i form af sociale tiltag, oftest i form af spil af alskens art. Gerne spil der henvender sig til så mange så muligt, således ingen sidder tilbage med følelsen af at være alene eller isoleret.
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No one mentions seafarers
All seafarers who are out there at sea with difficulties of getting home are indeed #keyworkers. They make a huge effort so that everyone can go by their everyday lives.
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"I am proud to be one of the hundreds of thousands of seafarers working around the world"
Thank you to all seafarers around the world! Thank you for working hard and doing extraordinarily great during this time of uncertainty. I know that all of mankind have been through a lot but despite all these, we managed to stay afloat.
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De søfarende fortjener en kæmpe high five
“De søfarende fortjener et kæmpe high five, fordi de i denne tid bliver ved med at bringe vigtige varer til Grønland. I butikkerne og på vores lager på Sømandshjemmet kan vi tydeligt se, hvis skibene er aflyst eller forsinkede. Så mangler der varer.”
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Respect to all seafarers! They are the coolest people in the world
Seafarers are keyworkers because the world depends on us. The world economy needs us to make the wheels turn. We can’t just work from home. #Respect to all seafarers! They are the coolest people in the world. They are away from their family to do a great work. That is why they shouldn’t be forgotten.
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It is time we show the world that we matter
During the most dire time in the lives of many of us, it’s time to look back and reflect about the life we live. For many years the seafarers have been the “forgotten or hidden” part of life for almost everybody, and now when the world is coming together, in the fight against the global pandemic, it is time for the seafarers to rise up to the occasion and show the world we matter, that we are #keyworkers in the global community!
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Enjoy life, wear, and share your best smile to others
"Behind the smile, there existed in struggles and pain, but I never thought of giving up! I believe life full of suffering and miracles, in faith with him (GOD) I have constantly hope to carry on my life no matter what happens! God is my motivation to be able to get a successful job.
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You must be born as a seafarer to be ready for a sea mission
#SeafarersAreKeyworkers because we produce (drilling), we transport (cargo), give joy and happiness (passenger vessel), save lives and protect (Stand By) and much more.
Our work is like a mission. We complete it away from families, in harsh conditions, in dangerous places.
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“My mind says to stop, but my heart says to keep going on”
Seafarers need the status of key-workers from all countries, so that a fellow colleague can come and relieve the already overworked shipmate
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It is not always easy to be a seafarer, especially in these times
Seafarers need a huge high five ✋ because they work 24/7 to keep #supplies moving all around the world.
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We deserve a high five simply because we are a unique kind of workers
I am proud to be one the brave seafarers and we deserve a high five simply because we are a unique kind of workers.
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Day of the Seafarer campaign calls on States to recognize seafarers as keyworkers
“This year, the Day of the Seafarer campaign calls on States to recognize seafarers as keyworkers – and to provide them with the support, assistance and travel options open to all key workers during the pandemic
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“Husk at vande dit hjerne-træ"
For at holde sig mentalt stærk, skal man for det første undgå negativitet! Både i form af negative mennesker, negative nyheder, negative idéer og negative rutiner.
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